Thursday, November 17, 2011

Things I Hate (Bitch Post)

There is an unwritten concert etiquette that people blow off in the concerts. Being in 6 concerts this semester, I saw the same things being broken through out. I'll just point some out. 

1. Bros - When did they start listening to good music?! What happened to them listening to Dave Matthews, Creed and Nickelback? (yes, I know I'm stereotyping) but seriously. I've had enough of their attitude and their fist pumping. The majority of them are completely drunk, loud and obnoxious. The completely ruin the experience and atmosphere. I am 90% sure, there do not know the band performing. I will bet on it. 

2. The Concert Hug - I'll explain. So let's say your like in the pit area and your right behind a person that is in front of a the barrier. You waited for a long time outside and you got to the front. There is a person that got to the venue like 30 mins late. She see that your in front of their friend. The person behind me taps their friend they turn around and pretty much sandwich me while pulling their friend's arm to get to the front. It's one of my pet peeves at concerts. That's why I always say "Stand Your Ground!"

3. People with Drinks or Smoking - Especially at a rave or a concert that will involve dancing. Why would anyone bring a drink in the middle of the pit, where people are constantly moving?! It WILL spill! duh! I've had a couple of experiences with spilled drinks. I've was sticky the rest of the concert. There was an instance with a person that was not careful with their cigarette that it burned my left arm. It was a horrible sting. 

4. Out of Tune Singers - I will admit, I was one of those people. Going to my very first concert ever, I didn't know what to do! I had so much adrenaline, I was just singing along while recording the performance. When I went back home and watched the performance, I couldn't believe how out of tune and out of key I was. blahhh....but eventually I got better. It's horrible listening to a person practically yelling wrong notes in your ears while enjoying the concert. blahhhh

Do you guys agree?

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