Thursday, September 29, 2011

Concert Review: French Cassettes

Band: French Cassettes. Opener: Tibetan Method and Travis Vick
Date: September 23, 2011
Location:  Fox and Goose, Sacramento, CA

Preconceived Thoughts of the Band -  I met one of their band members weeks ago to discuss a project, in which we would have to coordinate. I am somewhat their manager/consultant. The band member was generous in giving me their EP. I gave a listen to and instantly was hooked. They have a poppy/catchy guitars, soothing vocals and groovy bass. For a baby band, they had their signature sound already figured out. I showed them to my friend and they also became instant fans. I wanted to hear more, so I found out they were playing a show in sac and we drove the venue.

What Actually Happened (BITCH SPOILER ALERT) -  We got there and realized, it wasn't really a venue, well it wasn't at all. It was modeled as an English pub. The website said that they would perform at 8, but when I talked to their singer he said they would start at 11. There were two openers before them. So, we were awkwardly waiting in the pub for an hour until the concert was going to actually start. 
The first performer Travis Vick, was an acoustic folk artist. He was an amazing guitarist. He was playing these awesome chord progressions that I haven't heard  from an artist. It took a while into his first song to get the feel and the grove of his playing and singing. Second song in, it felt like I heard the same song twice. It seemed that he was using the same chord progression. His voice was lagging and mumbling a lot and I couldn't understand what he was saying. Third and fourth song in was getting bored. Other people around me started ignoring him and started talking to each other. He had amazing stage presence but his song structure was the same all through out his set list. I felt once I heard his song, I heard everything. 
Second band was the Tibetan Method. Their first song was a disaster. They didn't soundcheck, so their guitars were too loud and I barely heard the singer. Their stage presence was the hardest thing to watch. The band was on one side while the two backup singers were awkwardly standing on stage left, like 5 feet away from them. The girls were just looking around as if they didn't want to be there. The majority of the set list they were awkwardly in front of the mike. They were also not prepared. She did not understand the beginning of the song, so she sang late every time. They had to stop a couple of times and started over. Overall their music was band but the covers were good!
Finally after the brutal two hour wait, the French Cassettes showed up! They also didn't sound check, which shocked me, but as soon as they started playing, i was blown away. Everything was heard with balance especially the drummer since he couldn't get miked. Each song was performed with clarity! They also have amazing stage presence! Everyone looked like they were having fun! Their music was as catchy as their EP. They even played some new songs for their upcoming full length album! I was entertained. They were worth the wait.

Verdict - French Cassettes save the concert! The other two bands are insanely horrible and I hope I never see them again. 

Bitch Rate - 3.5/5

--Wolf James

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